Thursday, May 5, 2011

Parallax Slider with jQuery

Parallax Slider with jQuery

Another cool tutorial on using jQuery in building your next website. It shows you how to use the slider to slide the images while the backgrounds move at a different speed. Enjoy.

10 Awesome Techniques and Examples of Animation with jQuery

10 Awesome Techniques and Examples of Animation with jQuery

jQuery can pretty much do anything you can think of. All you need is a creative imagination and some time to learn the simple and intuitive API.
In this article, we share with you some innovative uses of jQuery in animating web design elements. You’ll read about some interesting techniques, tutorials, and examples that will show you how to create similar effects on your own websites and web apps.

I just copied and pasted the above for anyone interested in viewing this website. I find it very interesting on the various techniques one can use on building a website. 

Create a Parallax Website Header

Create a Parallax Website Header

This tutorial will show you how to create a cool Parallax Website Header using jQuery and the jParallax jQuery plugin. This is quite a simple experiment and you won’t need any javascript knowledge, just plain old HTML and CSS. However this has the potential to create some really stunning effects.

If anyone is interested in using a Parallax Header, just click on the ling above to get you straight to the tutorial that will get you on your way to building an amazing website.

Latest Web Design Trend 2011 : Parallax Scrolling

Latest Web Design Trend 2011 : Parallax Scrolling

The latest trend in web design is parallax scrolling. Scrolling on a webpage takes on a new approach. The elements on a page do not look so two dimensional anymore. The sense of depth will fill your mind to bring out oooooo's and aaaaaahhhhh's with excitement. Parallax scrolling is when the background and the foreground elements move at different speeds. The different speeds gives the 3-D effect on the page. Read more on it by clicking on the link below.

Create a Funky Parallax Background Effect using jQuery

Create a Funky Parallax Background Effect using jQuery

In this tutorial, we\'ll be using JQuery to take a horizontally scrolling website and add a parallax scrolling background effect reminiscent of old-school 2D platform games like Sonic the Hedgehog. Tutorial Details Difficulty: Intermediate Estimated Completion Time: 30 mins - 1 hour View the Demo Download the Source Last year, the Silverback App site, designed by Carsonified, created some [...]

What is Parallax?

What is Parallax?

You can think of motion parallax as what you see when you look out of a moving train. Bushes right alongside the train tracks will zip past your view, while cattle grazing in the field will appear to move more slowly across your view and the mountains in the background will hardly move at all. Parallax has particular relevance to astronomy. Not only because sci-fi movies use the effect all the time to create cool space effects, but because this effect is how we measure how far stars are away from our own solar system.
Check out the link above to see how it works.


PHP - Dynamic websites 101

PHP is probably the most popular web scripting language used today. PHP is popular because it's easy to learn and use - generally PHP makes life more exciting. Now that I’ve said that, I guess I should actually give you a reason or two to learn PHP!
  1. You will be able to do all kinds of neat things like process HTML forms, send mail from a web page, talk to a database et cetera.
  2. You will become a much more valuable person! Besides your web design skills, you will now have what is called ‘server-side programming’ skills – in this case, knowing PHP.
As depressing as it may seem, programmers usually are higher up on the totem pole. In other words, knowing how to program will put you in a higher bracket than people who only know web design.

Building your first dynamic website

Building your first dynamic website

There is three parts to this tutorial. For anyone who is interested in building a dynamic website step by step, the link above will get you to the site that will help you get on your way. The tutorials demonstrates how to convert html into a dynamic PHP page.

What are dynamic web pages?

What are dynamic web pages?

I just thought that the more information I get the difference a static site is vs. a dynamic site, the better one will understand what goes on behind the curtains. Below I have copied and pasted someone else's description on the topic.

To understand dynamic web pages you have to understand normal web pages. Typical non-dynamic web pages do not change every time the page is loaded into the browser, nor do they change if a user clicks on a button. The only change that you will see in static pages is to see them load and unload, like what happens when you click on a hyper link.
In a nutshell: static web pages (normal pages you build) always look the same and the content never changes unless you load a new page or you change the page yourself and upload the new version of the pages unto the server.
Dynamic pages do the opposite, they can change every time they are loaded (without you having to make those changes) and they can change their content based on what user does, like clicking on some text or an image. (I am not talking about loading a new page!)
One of the most common types of dynamic web pages is the database driven type. This means that you have a web page that grabs information from a database (the web page is connected to the database by programming) and inserts that information into the web page each time it is loaded. If the information stored in the database changes, the web page connected to the database will also change accordingly and automatically without human intervention.
This is commonly seen on online banking sites where you can log in (by entering your user name and password) and check out your bank account balance. Your bank account information is stored in a database and has been connected to the web page with programming thus enabling you to see your banking information. Imagine if the web page holding your banking information had to be built traditionally (that is by hand.) every time your bank balance changed! Even a thousand monkeys working 24/7 drinking 5 cups of coffee a day, would not be able to keep up!
Hopefully you are starting to see why you would want a database driven site; you would want it if your information changes very often, just like in a banking site.
Database driven sites can be built using several competing technologies, each with it's own advantages. Some of those technologies/tools include: PHP, JSP, ASP, PERL, Cold Fusion.

What is a dynamic website

What is a dynamic website

Dynamic Websites are web pages that allow user interaction. PHP, ASP or JAVA are programming languages that creates the HTML that is seen in the browser. All the content is stored in a database and the programming pulls the content from the stored content. 
That is a brief description of a Dynamic Website.

50 Fresh and Inspiring Dark Web Designs

50 Fresh and Inspiring Dark Web Designs

Knowing how to use colors is a skill not to many designers have. There are many who remain in default mode when it comes to getting stuck at some sort of design solution. As I surf across the wide world web for design inspiration, the neurons start producing that spark that gets the creative juices flowing. We designers must not forget that we rely on constant information that allows us to step up our game in the competitive field of creativity. Jump on the link above to see how dark colors are integrated to give the user a pleasant experience with colors that are like yoga to the eyes.

50 Best Sites To Get Design Inspiration

I just thought this site that houses the best 50 sites to get Design inspiration would help the mental blocks that seem to get in the way of creativity. Click on the link to check out the many designs that can give you a spark to hurdle your stumbling block. I like this site because of its wide range of topics. Take a look at some example below.

Dynamic Websites

Dynamic Websites

A dynamic website gives the user  a live experience. Everything on the page will forever be changing accordingo the trend of the user. Admin Panel and Front Pages are the interfaces that are usually responsible for a dynamic website. The Admin Panel allows the administrator to easily change contents of a website. Front Pages shows what has been updated. With this little bit of information, you should be able to notice the difference from a static site to a dynamic site.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Dynamic Pages vs. Static Pages

Dynamic Pages vs. Static Pages

Follow these advice when it comes to stepping around problems while building a dynamic site.

index.php?var1=this&var2=that&var3=thistable causes problems when it comes to search engines.

Search engines are cautious when indexing dynamic pages because they don't want to get stuck in an endless loop.
Using the same title, description, and keywords on every page is a big NO, NO.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Ways to make your site more dynamic

How important is it to make your site more dynamic.                                                     For one thing, it gives the users something to engage in.                                             When you can get users to engage in your site to keep                                             coming back for more, you have built a community.
You can start with Video. - Video keeps people watching.
Put up an RSS feed. -  An Active community is a great way to greet people.
Widgets will work. - Widgets is sort of like a camouflage that gives your site the appearance of being dynamic.
Images always work. - If the image is interesting, you have caught their eye.
Get into the Podcast. - This is for you tech savvy people to relate on a more personal level.
Gotta love them Polls. - Your audience loves to play so why not give them something to play with.
Get locked with a Live Cam. - Let the users see you in action.